Saturday 1 July 2017

I Have Returned!!

Hi Crafty Friends and Followers...
I apologise for my very long absence ...Firstly I lost my Mojo for a while and withdrew as a Design Team Member, then my FiancĂ© had a knee replacement which is still not 100%, to follow this I  had two major surgeries 6 weeks apart, firstly a hysterectomy followed by a second Hip surgery to follow on from the one 2 years ago. I haven't been able to lift my leg more than 5inches high in a straight leg raise since the first operation ...the second was to remove the screws and a tendon release to try and correct this ...alas it appears not to have worked so possibly a bigger op in the near future...

We also between ops over hauled our front garden so that we could add some paving between the driveway and the garden as there was never enough room to get out on the passenger side especially with crutches or wheelchair as the garden came right up to the edge of the driveway... now we can pull up as close as possible when its raining otherwise we had to stop a metre before the start of the garden...not fun in the rain and we always seem to have someone on crutches !!

So there's some pics of this new garden below ...I hope to update my Blog in the next week with some artworks I have accomplished now and then over the last year, somehow I never seemed to be able to get them uploaded !!

So enjoy and don't forget to Comment !!

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